3 exercise habits to keep you healthy

Good exercise habits are an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and overall wellbeing. Exercising regularly can help to improve heart health, brain health, immune function, bone strength and mental health.

However, it’s not always easy to stick with being physically active. Below, we’ve covered three exercise habits that will make it easier to reach your fitness goals and maintain a good level of health for years to come.

Incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine

Doing the same exercises day in and day out can get boring very quickly. As a result, your motivation may wane, and you might find yourself choosing not to exercise, even when you have the time.

Adding a diverse range of exercises into your routine will help prevent boredom and maximize your results. Activities to try include: walking, running, cycling, weight lifting, yoga and swimming.  Embracing variety not only curbs boredom but also helps reduce the risk of overtraining joints and muscles.

Set realistic goals

Establish clear, achievable fitness goals. Whether it's improving your endurance, strength and flexibility, or simply making exercise a daily habit, having tangible objectives will keep you motivated. Start with small, realistic goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you progress.

Listen to your body

It is important to pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience pain, discomfort, or extreme fatigue during or after exercise it may be that you are overtraining or have an injury.  In these cases, you should take a step back and consider how you can adjust your training routine to mitigate injury risks, pains and fatigue. It is important to allow your body to heal and make adjustments to your workout schedules in order to be able to exercise regularly in the long run.