3 powerlifting moves to maximize power and strength

Powerlifting is a strength sport that focuses on three primary movements - the squat, bench press, and deadlift. To maximize power and strength in powerlifting, you need to perform each exercise with perfect form and lifting technique.

Below, we’ve covered each of the three core powerlifting movements and how to optimize them for maximal power and strength.

The squat

A proper squat starts with a strong foundation. Ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart, your chest is lifted, and your knees track over your toes as you lower yourself toward the ground. Engage your core throughout the movement and begin the exercise by driving your hips back as though you are sitting on a chair.

Aim for depth below parallel to activate the muscles fully. Breaking parallel ensures you engage the quads, hamstrings, and glutes effectively. Incorporate variations like front squats, pause squats, and box squats to address weaknesses and build well-rounded strength.

The bench press

Create a stable base by planting your feet firmly on the ground, arching your back, and retracting your shoulder blades. Grip width should allow for a strong and comfortable position.

Lower the bar under control to your chest, allowing the elbows to naturally flare at an angle. Maintain tension in your upper back throughout the movement.

Strengthening your triceps, shoulders, and upper back by performing accessory exercises like overhead presses and rows can enhance your bench press strength.

The deadlift

Master the hip hinge technique to engage the posterior chain throughout the deadlift. Keep the bar close to your body, and grip width should allow for a comfortable and strong position.

Prioritize core bracing to protect your lower back. A strong core contributes to a powerful and safe deadlift. Strengthen weak points in the movement with variations and accessory movements like Romanian deadlifts, deficit deadlifts, and hyperextensions.