3 ways to be inclusive at work

Inclusivity refers to accepting and welcoming all individuals, providing a safe and productive work environment and ensuring equal access to tools and support.

An inclusive workplace breeds collaboration, positivity, and productivity. When every staff member feels comfortable and valued you are contributing to a great company culture. A positive company culture that promotes inclusivity will improve your satisfaction and happiness as an employee. It will bring you close to your colleagues and make everybody feel as comfortable and confident as possible in the workplace, knowing that they’re accepted for who they are.

Here are three top tips to help you build an inclusive workplace as an employee.

Treat everybody with respect

Inclusivity fosters a positive work environment. As an employee, you have the important opportunity to contribute to building a great company culture. You can do this through showing respect for your fellow employees.  This includes how we act and the language we use.

Educate yourself

What are the diversity and inclusion policies at your organization?  Are there committees or working groups you can join? Taking the initiative to learn about how inclusion is currently upheld within your company will enable you to become a more active supporter of sustaining and improving inclusivity.

Take action against discrimination

If you notice that one of your colleagues is being discriminated against, it’s important to take action. Showing that you don’t tolerate any form of discrimination, prejudice, or violence discourages any form of negative behavior in your workplace. Make sure to report any negative and discriminatory behavior that you notice to your employer.