Can housework reduce stress?

Housework is often seen as a necessary but mundane and repetitive chore. Most people don’t enjoy it and wish somebody else could complete this lengthy task for them.

Although it can be laborious, housework may also provide a source of stress relief. Housework is often seen as a form of cleaning therapy, which refers to when cleaning promotes relaxation and has a therapeutic effect.

A clean, tidy, and organized environment can promote a calmer mindset and contribute to positive feelings and emotions. Returning to a well-maintained home after a busy day at work or out with your loved ones enables you to wind down and enjoy your time at home. Therefore, cleaning your living space may reduce your overall stress and be beneficial for your health.

The physical act of cleaning is in itself a form of moderate aerobic exercise, releasing endorphins that act as natural stress relievers. It may also cause the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which are happy hormones that promote feelings of satisfaction, elevate mood, and improve motivation.

The act of cleaning can be meditative, too. Focusing on simple, repetitive tasks such as sweeping, dusting, or washing dishes can create a sense of mindfulness, helping you to stay in the present moment and temporarily escape from the pressures of daily life. This mindfulness can have similar beneficial effects to active meditation by promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

Completing household chores can provide a sense of accomplishment. When you've finished cleaning the house or even a single room in your home, you will feel proud, productive, and as though you have achieved something significant (which you have)! This sense of achievement can boost self-esteem and reduce stress by breaking down large tasks into more manageable parts.