Develop a mindful relationship with food

Having a healthy relationship with food is important for your health and wellbeing. A poor relationship between food and eating can lead to an increased risk of eating disorders, disordered eating, difficulties maintaining a healthy body weight, and mental health problems.

One way to help develop a healthier relationship with food is through mindful eating.

  • Pay attention to your body - check in with your body before, during and after meals. Ask yourself if you are hungry or if you are eating out of habit or emotional triggers. Notice how your body feels before and after meals. Are you too full? Are you satisfied? Are you left wanting more?
  • Slow down when eating - take the time to savor each bite of food and chew it thoroughly before swallowing. Doing so enables you to experience the taste, texture and aroma of the food that you’re eating, making the process more enjoyable and satisfying.
  • Avoid distractions - ideally, you should eat without any distractions. This means putting your phone away and turning the television off, so you can focus on your food.