Foods to boost your protein intake

Protein is an essential macronutrient that provides our body with amino acids that are used for muscle and bone growth and repair, the growth of hair, skin, and nails and hormone and enzyme production. Although our body can produce some amino acids, others must come from food sources.

There are lots of great sources of protein, some of which are animal-based and others of which are plant-based. Incorporating protein-rich foods into your diet enables you to provide your body with the important building blocks it needs to thrive.

Here are some great food sources of dietary protein that you can consume to boost your protein intake.

Lean meats

Poultry (skinless chicken or turkey) are great animal-based sources of protein. These meats contain less saturated fat than red meat, making them heart-healthier choices. They are complete proteins, meaning they contain all of the essential amino acids your body can’t synthesize itself.

Fish and seafood

Fish, including salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, are rich in protein. They are lower in saturated fat than red meat. Oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may improve your cognitive function and heart health.


Although the average-sized egg only contains around six grams of protein, they are still a great source of nutrients and can contribute to your daily protein intake when consumed with additional high-protein foods. Eggs also contain a  range of essential micronutrients, including vitamin D, iron, and choline.

Plant-Based Proteins

Plant-based protein sources include tofu, tempeh, beans, lentils, chickpeas and edamame. These protein-rich foods also provide you with plant-based fiber and a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Oats, oatmeal and porridge are very nutritious and an affordable way to add daily protein.