Grounding techniques for when you're feeling anxious

It's normal to feel anxious in certain situations, such as if you've got an upcoming interview for your dream job or are facing a difficult conversation. However, when you're feeling particularly anxious, practicing grounding techniques can be helpful to calm your nervous system and relax your mind. Below, you will find some great grounding techniques to keep in your toolbox for the next time you're feeling anxious.

Deep breathing exercises

As simple as it sounds, deep breaths can sometimes be enough to calm your nerves and relieve anxiety. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for slowing down your heart rate and breathing rate, and helping you to feel more content and relaxed.

Breathe in for four seconds, hold for four seconds, and exhale for four seconds. Repeat this several times.


Sometimes, simply getting your thoughts onto paper (or onto a Word document or note on your computer, laptop, or phone) can do the trick to relieve your worries. When you're feeling stressed and have a million thoughts swirling around inside your mind, writing them out can help you to feel less wound up and more organized.

Spend some time each evening writing or typing out your thoughts and feelings about the day. Don't worry about your spelling or making your journal sound cohesive. It's all about 'dumping' your thoughts out of your mind.

Keep your hands busy

Distraction is a helpful way to reduce anxious thoughts and worries. Keeping your hands busy gives your mind something else to focus on aside from worries about the future or anxiety about the past. You can keep your hands busy by squeezing a stress ball, knitting, writing, painting, or playing with a fidget toy.