Healthy cooking - fried foods alternatives

Although it might be tasty, fried foods are not the healthiest option. To understand why it helps to first differentiate between fried and deep-fried foods. Fried foods use a small amount of oil heated to high temperatures to cook the food. Deep-fried foods submerge the food entirely in hot oil. As a result, deep-fried foods tend to be high in calories and trans fats (oil heated to high temperature increases trans fat production).
A diet high in trans fats is associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid or minimize our consumption of deep-fried foods. But what about pan-frying at home?Although it differs significantly from commercially deep-fried foods, pan frying at home does add additional fat and calorie. Instead of frying your foods, consider trying other cooking methods. Roasting, braising and steaming your ingredients are healthier options, as they can be done without the use of butter or oil while helping to maintain the food’s natural micronutrients.