Hiking safety 101

Hiking is a well-loved outdoor activity that is amazing for physical fitness and mental health. It also enables you to explore the beauty of nature and spend time with your loved ones.

However, unlike going for a casual walk, hiking takes some preparation. You need to ensure you’re equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment to make your hiking journey safe and enjoyable.

We’ve got a quick and simple safety 101 guide for new and intermediate hikers below. We’ll start with some top safety tips so you can enjoy a safe and seamless hike, and return home free of any nasty injuries.

Top safety tips for hikers

Here are some top safety tips for those of you who are planning on hiking:

  • Plan your route before you set off so you’re fully prepared for the level of difficulty, the length of the trail, and how elevated it is.  Bring a map.
  • Check the weather and wear weather-appropriate clothing that will keep you warm or cool enough while you’re hiking.
  • Wear proper footwear that is comfortable and covers all of your toes.
  • If it’s a sunny day, wear sunscreen and a hat, and take plenty of water with you.
  • For longer hikes, take a few snacks to boost your energy levels if you start to feel tired and hungry. Ideally, you should choose snacks with quick-releasing energy, such as bananas, dried fruit, or granola bars.
  • Pack a first aid kit in your bag so you can treat minor injuries if you or one of your hiking buddies gets cut or scraped.
  • Never hike alone. You should always take at least one buddy who can help you if you fall and get injured or if you get lost.