How long does it take to form a new habit?

If you want to start building healthy habits, you might be wondering how long it will take.

While 66 days is often cited as the average time to build a new habit, the answer is much more nuanced than this. Studies show that it can take anywhere from as little as 18 days to as many as 254 days to build a new habit. Ideally, once a habit has been formed, it is something that occurs automatically.

Research suggests that a large percentage of human behaviors are habitual. So, it’s possible that many of the things that you do each day are formed from the various habits that you have created over the years.

Given that so much of our behaviour is habitual, it’s not hard to see how important it is to create positive habits. When your habits are healthy, it enables you to flourish and thrive in every aspect of your life.

Here are some top tips to help you form healthy habits and successfully stick to them.

Habit stacking

When you pair your new habits with your existing ones, this is known as habit stacking. You’re more likely to stick to a new habit if you perform this habit just before or after a pre-existing habitual behavior.

For example, if you want to start exercising more at home, try doing some bodyweight squats every time you brush your teeth. You probably automatically brush your teeth every morning and evening, so pairing it with some light exercise is a great way to increase your daily movement.

Start small

Creating habits is easier when they are smaller and more manageable. If you find something you can implement into your usual routine that doesn’t take up too much extra time, you’re more likely to continue doing it successfully.

Buddy up

Partnering with someone who is interested in forming a similar new habit can be a great way to stay motivated. Habits like company! Join a recipe club, walking  group, volunteering team, etc. to help your new lifestyle goals become part of your regular routine.