How to Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

Herbs make a dish taste more flavorsome and delicious. What’s more, you can grow them from the comfort of your own home using an indoor herb garden.

Not only is growing herbs easy to do,  it can save you time, energy, and money. Plus, it’s a fun and enjoyable hobby to do by yourself or with your loved ones.

Here are some top tips for growing an indoor herb garden.

Get the Lighting Right

Lighting is one of the most important factors when growing any kind of plant, and your herb garden is no exception. Herbs grow best in certain light intensities, so it’s important to find the right kind of lighting if you want to get the best results.

Generally, herbs grow best under strong, bright lights. Strong lighting encourages the herb plants to grow efficiently, meaning you get as much product as possible. Poor lighting will slow down or stunt the growth of your herbs.

You can either keep your herbs by a sunny window or buy some artificial lighting that emulates the sun’s bright rays. Make sure to set up the lighting all around your indoor herb garden so that every plant gets an adequate amount of light.

Maintain Optimal Temperature

Herbal plants grow best at 65°F  to 75°F (18°C to 24°C). It’s important to monitor the temperature around your plants to maintain an environmental temperature that is within this range.

If necessary, get some heat lamps that have multiple temperature settings to help you maintain the right environment for your indoor herb garden. If you’re placing them next to the window, make sure they don’t get too hot on a sunny day.

Grow Each Herb Separately

When you have an indoor herb garden, it’s important to place different kinds of herbs in separate pots. Each plant species grows best in specific environments and by placing them in different containers, you can cater to their needs as much as possible.

For example, you can water certain pots more than others, or place the herbs that like a lot of warmth and light nearer to the heat lamps. You can also control the air circulation around each type of herb effectively when they are separated according to species.

Plus, growing your herbs in different pots means they all have enough room to grow properly. You won’t be limiting their space and they will be free to flourish over time.