How to recharge a friendship

Friendships during childhood are important for developing vital social skills and remaining healthy and happy. However, as a busy adult, it can be difficult to maintain friendships. We may struggle to find time in our schedules to go to social events or catch up with friends on the phone.

It can become even harder to find time to see your friends when you have children. You have very limited time as it is, and you’re trying to juggle work, parenthood, and your social life all at once. Even for the super planners, this can be difficult!

Yet, spending time with our friends is vital for overall wellbeing.  When we aren’t able to enjoy quality time together it can cause us to feel isolated and lonely, negatively impacting our mental health.

If you want to reconnect with your old friends, but don’t know how to begin, you’re not alone. Many adults are unsure how to start reconnecting, especially if it’s been several months, or longer, since you last spent time together.

How to reconnect with your friends

Here are four quick and easy ways to reconnect with your friends and maintain a strong connection with them to prevent and reduce loneliness.

  • Think of a funny memory that you have with them and drop them a message reminding them of the memory, or share a photo connected to it. This will spark a conversation where you can laugh and reminisce about the good old times.
  • Reach out to them on an important anniversary, such as their birthday. This is a great option if you’re not sure how to start up a new conversation with friends that you haven’t seen in a while.
  • Consider your shared interests. Did you and your friend love shopping, going to the movies, running, or visiting a museum or art gallery together? If so, ask them if they’d like to spend the day with you doing the things that you both love so that you can catch up and reconnect.
  • Be flexible. Life gets busy, and hanging out like you used to might not always be possible. It's okay to change how and when you keep in touch. Even if it's just quick texts or social media chats, staying connected in some way is what matters. Good friends understand when life gets hectic and can roll with the changes.