How to say ‘I’m sorry’

Apologizing is something that many people find difficult, but it’s sometimes necessary. Being able to say sorry is essential to build relationships with others, especially after you’ve done something wrong.

Whether you've made a mistake or hurt someone's feelings, offering an apology can help you to regain their trust and minimize the negative impacts of your wrongdoings on your relationship.

We understand that it can be tough to apologize to other people, and that’s why we’ve got some top tips on how to say ‘I’m sorry’.

Acknowledge Your wrongdoings

The first step in apologizing is to accept and acknowledge what you did wrong. Be specific and clear about what you're apologizing for to the person or people who have been affected by your actions.

Take responsibility for what you have done

Avoid making excuses or minimizing the impact of your actions. You need to take responsibility for your actions and recognize that what you’ve done has led to negative consequences. Don't try to deflect the blame onto someone else, as this can make things worse and cause the other person or people not to trust you.

Be sincere with your apology

People will be able to tell when you are genuinely sorry for what you’ve done. Apologize with the intention of displaying your genuine feelings. You need to say the words ‘I’m sorry’ without any additional excuses and without minimizing what you’ve done.

Express empathy

When you apologize, showing empathy and understanding of how the other person feels is important. You need to validate their feelings and acknowledge the impact your actions had on them. Show that you understand their feelings and care about their wellbeing.