Is being social leaving you exhausted? Here's what to do.

Socializing with loved ones is important, even for self-proclaimed introverts. By interacting with friends or family, you can maintain great social health, which feeds into your overall health and wellbeing.

Ideally, social activities allow you to build and renew connections with your loved ones, leaving you feeling energized and happy. However, for some of us, social activities can begin to feel overwhelming, leaving us drained, rather than recharged. Over time we might even begin to pull away from socializing.

Here are some strategies to try if you are finding that being social is becoming exhausting.

Choose 1-1 or small group activities

Instead of interacting with large groups of people at once, stick to hanging out with just you and a favourite family member, or you and a very small group of friends. This way, rather than trying to connect with a large group and continually adjusting to each new person, you can instead relax in the comfort of those who already know you well. You won’t exert as much energy during your social activities, and you won’t be left with an empty social battery by the end of the day.

Plan time for yourself

Sometimes, we can begin to feel  exhausted when we aren’t getting enough time to focus on ourselves. It’s essential to set aside time alone where you can prioritize doing the things you find relaxing and enjoyable.

Alone time enables you to discover your true passions and reflect on your life. It’s a time for your body and mind to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world and re-energize.

Plan activities at the times you feel the most energized

If you’re somebody who’s full of energy in the mornings and crashes in the evenings, try and plan your social activities before lunchtime. If you’re the opposite, evening events are best for you.

By arranging your social calendar according to your body’s natural rhythm, you’re less likely to feel exhausted at the end of a social gathering..