Practice your balance without standing on one leg

Balance and stability are crucial skills to possess, regardless of your age, as you use these skills in your everyday life, as well as during exercise. Great balance helps prevent falls and injuries and promotes strong muscles in the lower body and core.

One exercise that you can do to practice your balance is the ‘tight rope’ exercise, which involves walking along a straight line as if you were walking on a really tight rope. You can perform this exercise anywhere, and you need no equipment. If you wish, you can draw a straight line on the floor, or you can simply pretend that there’s a line drawn along the ground.

Start by standing at one end of the real or imaginary line, with your feet together and your arms outstretched to your sides to help with balance. Slowly lift one foot and place it in front of the other so that your heel touches your toes, and then repeat with the other foot. Keep your gaze focused ahead of you and maintain a steady, slow pace.