Simple ways to grow kindness

Being kind and compassionate  doesn’t just benefit others. It benefits you, too.

Kindness has been shown to provide a number of benefits to those around you and to yourself. It can lower stress and anxiety and build self-confidence. According to a research study out of the U.K., it may even extend your lifespan.

Being kind can also strengthen your emotional connection to others. When you show that you care about others and want to support them in every way possible, individuals will feel closer to you. They’re also more likely to return the favour if you ever need help or guidance in the future.

How to Show Kindness to Others

Kindness doesn’t need to involve monetary gestures or gifts. It can involve physical actions, kind words or affirmations.  In addition to your family and friends, you can also offer kindness and compassion to strangers in the street or at the grocery store. You can make a huge difference in somebody’s day simply by being kind. And most importantly, kindness is completely free.

Here are some great ways to show kindness to others:

  1. Hold the door open for a stranger
  2. Offer your family member a lift if it’s raining outside
  3. Help an older adult with their grocery shopping
  4. Call a friend who is having a tough time
  5. Allow someone with small children to go ahead of you in line
  6. Teach your friend or family member a new skill
  7. Help your sibling create a budget
  8. Volunteer at a local charity