The benefits of bedtime stories

Children often enjoy a bedtime story, and it helps them drift off into a deep sleep, but have you ever considered your own bedtime reading?

Reading before bed is a great way to potentially boost your sleep quality and quantity. If you’ve been having trouble sleeping recently, try picking up a book and reading before your head hits the pillow.

Reading is a simple way to help you sleep, and it’s not just effective if your book is boring! Even the most interesting books will help you get ready for bed.

So, how does reading make you sleepy, and what are the main benefits of reading?

  • It helps relieve stress and anxiety and calms your mind, which is ideal for helping you sleep.
  • It's a great alternative to scrolling on your phone, which means you’re not exposing yourself to blue light.
  • Reading in bed can also help your body physically relax. It can lower your heart rate and help tense muscles to relax, making it easier to drift off to sleep