What happen's when you are sleeping?

Did you know that sleep plays an important role in our overall wellbeing, including helping to support our mental health? Read on to learn about the ways sleep helps to improve the quality of our lives.

The restorative nature of sleep, creativity, and problem-solving

During sleep, the brain engages in essential processes, such as consolidating memories that it might not necessarily be able to do during the day due to keeping you alert. Good quality sleep supports cognitive functions, learning, and the processing of emotions, which promotes better mental clarity and wellbeing.

A fully rested brain is better able to be creative and solve problems. When you get enough sleep regularly, you may find that you are more able to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas.

Emotional regulation during sleep

Adequate rest is essential for building resilience to the everyday stressors of life. Sleep and relaxation help to regulate your emotions and enable you to cope with the daily challenges that life throws at you without feeling as overwhelmed.

Rest and mood regulation

During sleep, your brain produces serotonin and dopamine. Adequate rest also promotes a higher production of these beneficial neurotransmitters during the daytime. When you have enough serotonin and dopamine in your brain, your mood will elevate, and you’re at a lower risk of anxiety and depression.

Resilience to burnout with adequate rest

When you get enough rest, you're less likely to experience burnout, which results in a range of negative symptoms, such as feeling exhausted and irritated, lacking concentration, and feeling low in mood. Restorative sleep and relaxation periods enable you to recover from the tough demands of daily life and reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue.