What is ecotherapy?

Ecotherapy is often also referred to as nature therapy or green therapy. It's a method of improving well-being and mental health that involves engaging with nature.

The idea behind ecotherapy is centered around the belief that connecting with the natural world can have positive effects on mental health and can reduce stress, anxiety and the risk of depression. It can also improve the overall quality of life.

What are the main elements of ecotherapy?

Ecotherapy is generally experienced outside and comprises several key elements, including:

  • Outdoor activities that promote engagement in nature, such as hiking, gardening, outdoor sports, or even simply sitting outside.
  • Mindfulness and awareness of the present moment.
  • Therapeutic or meditation-based activities, such as deep breathing or following a guided meditation.
  • Stress reduction activities, including deep breathing, mindfulness, and other grounding activities.
  • Mind-body connection through physical activities and mindfulness.
  • Sensory awareness involves paying close attention to the sensory experiences that nature offers, including sights, sounds, smells, and textures.

What are the benefits of ecotherapy?

Let's take at some of the potential benefits of ecotherapy

  • May help reduce stress
  • May Improve mood  and wellbeing
  • Spending time outside can help promote being physically active
  • Time spent in nature is an opportunity to engage all your senses and promote mindfulness to aid wellbeing

Everybody can enjoy these benefits, particularly those who love nature and have a natural affinity for the outdoors. If you access to natural, green spaces is limited there are ways of bringing ecotherapy inside, including tending to indoor plants or sitting/working/meditating near a window.