Why Focusing On Health Behaviors is Better Than Focusing On the Scale

When you have a weight loss goal, it’s easy to get caught up with the number on the scale. You focus solely on what the scale says each week, and you completely forget about the other aspects of health.

Your success and self-worth are not tied to a number. Even if you do have a specific weight goal that you want to achieve, it’s not the only thing that you should be focusing on when it comes to your health and well-being.  What’s more, when we are thinking only of the number we risk not  putting the steps in place that will ensure our long term success.

Weight is just one marker of health. It’s not the whole package. Even once you have reached your weight goal, you should still be focusing on healthy behaviors. That’s why a healthier way to approach weight loss is to focus on making behavioral changes and embracing a lifelong journey of nutritious eating and regular exercise.

Living a healthy lifestyle can boost your physical and mental well-being. Your risk of disease decreases, including your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and bone disorders. When you are eating great foods that feed your body and mind, your mood and energy will also get a boost.

Make sure that your behavioral changes are manageable. Instead of making one large change to try and reach your weight loss goal and decrease the number on the scale, shift your focus towards the smaller actions.

For example, aim to swap  one unhealthy snack each day with a nutrient dense alternative. After a few weeks of doing this, add in a quick 10-minute walk after lunch every day. A couple of weeks after implementing your walks, add an extra portion of veggies to your dinners.

These are just three examples of behavioral changes that are manageable yet effective for achieve and maintaining a healthy weight while improving your physical and mental health.