Why pets make us happy

Did you know that having a pet can improve your quality of life? No, we haven't just made that up because we love animals! Scientific research has confirmed the benefits of being a pet owner.

Pets offer companionship and entertainment. They can boost your health in many aspects, particularly your emotional, mental, physical, and social health.

Improved physical fitness

When you have a pet, you subconsciously spend more time on your feet and walking around, particularly if you have a dog or cat that you walk outside each day.

You'll be on your feet cleaning the litter tray, letting the dog outside in the garden, or cleaning their food dishes, and this means you'll be more physically active.

Improved mental health

Because pets increase your exercise activity and also offer companionship, they can do wonders for your mental health. They can also make you feel calmer and more relaxed. Studies have shown that stroking a pet's soft fur or listening to them purr can cause the release of positive hormones in your body and can lower your heart rate and breathing rate to minimize feelings of stress and anxiety.

More empathetic

As a pet owner, you develop stronger feelings of empathy. You learn how to nurture your pet and show affection, and you develop a huge amount of love for them. These skills and feelings can transfer to other people in your life.

Better social health

Pets can also make you happier by encouraging you to socialize more. Whether you chat with other dog walkers in the park or join pet-training groups in your local community, your social health will get a boost when you adopt a furry friend. This can boost your health and well-being and make you feel more confident and content.​​

Of course, having a pet is not always feasible.  However, don’t worry if that is the case for you. Some animal shelters provide opportunities for volunteers and you could also make plans to spend time with a friend and their pet.