Worried About Trying Something New? Here's How to Get Past the Fear of Failure
Although failure is an inevitable part of life, many people fear it. You may be afraid of doing something wrong, letting others down, or being judged for your perceived shortcomings. This fear may be deep-rooted, but there are simple strategies you can use to get past this fear of failing.
Just Do It
As Nike nicely puts it, just do it! Sometimes, jumping right into something with two feet is the best way to overcome any associated fears that you have about it. Often, the things we spend weeks or months dreading are actually nowhere near as bad as we imagined. The more activities you try out, the better your overall mental and physical health will be in the long run.
Reframe the Situation
Take into account the potential outcomes of each situation. The worst-case scenario may not be as bad as you first thought. By switching your mindset from negative to positive, you can reduce your anxiety and worry about failing.
Practice Self-Care
Learning to love yourself for who you are will help you overcome the fear of letting others down. Practice regular self-care to boost your confidence and self-esteem.
Set Realistic Goals and Expectations
Failures can come from setting unattainable goals for ourselves. Try setting out more realistic expectations to increase the chances of meeting every one of your deadlines. The more you succeed, the more you will start to believe in yourself, and the less fear of failure you will experience.