3 functional fitness movements to try

Functional fitness exercises mimic real-life activities, such as squatting, bending, lifting and twisting. Practicing functional fitness movements improves your movement patterns to help with activities in everyday life.
These exercises also improve your overall strength, balance, coordination and mobility. Incorporating these movements into your routine can lead to a better quality of life and improved exercise performance.
Here are three functional fitness movements to try:
- Squats - a great exercise that works the lower body and core. It mimics the natural movement of squatting down to pick something up or sitting and standing from a chair.
- Deadlifts - this movement mimics picking something up off the floor, and it engages several muscles throughout the whole body to improve overall power, strength, and stability.
- Lunges - lunges simulate walking or climbing stairs, targeting the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. They are great for improving lower body strength, balance, and coordination.