4 exciting grains to add to your diet

4 exciting grains to add to your diet

Here are four delicious grains to add to your diet to benefit your health and tickle your tastebuds. Whole grains provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as well as other nutrients, making them an important part of a well-balanced diet.

  • Quinoa - rich in protein, including essential amino acids, and perfect for adding to salads or making into burgers
  • Farro - an ancient grain with a slightly nutty flavor and great for soups, stews, or as a rice substitute
  • Freekeh - a roasted green wheat with a smoky flavor and slightly chewy texture that is perfect for salads, soups, or side dishes
  • Millet - a gluten-free option that is particularly high in magnesium and is an ideal substitute for rice in many recipes