5 tips to squeeze in exercise when you're busy

Life can be unpredictable and even the best thought-out exercise schedule can be derailed sometimes. When life gets busy it can be tempting to forgo your regular workouts. The downside is that you could be missing out on the much-needed stress-release that exercise provides.
Although you can’t create more hours in the day, it can still be possible to get workouts in. Here are 5 tips for exercising when you are short on time.
Change your intensity
For days when you are short on time, consider increasing the intensity of your workout. For example, if you normally run for 30 minutes, but only have 20 minutes that day, consider running at a slightly quicker pace, or incorporating some hill training into your workout. Another way to increase intensity is with HIIT (high-intensity interval training). These workouts are based on short bursts of intense exercise, followed by brief periods of recovery. HIIT sessions tend to be shorter due to their intensity, allowing you to pack an effective cardiovascular workout into less time.
Remember, it’s important to increase intensity gradually over time to prevent injury.
Exercise in the morning
Are you finding that by the end of the day you have run out of time to squeeze in a workout? Why not try starting your day with exercise? Working out before the rest of your day starts helps ensure your workout happens and can help set you up for a day with improved energy and focus.
You may need to adjust your morning routine slightly to accommodate your new exercise routine. To make things easier, you could also try prepping for the next day the night before, including packing your lunch if you are heading to an office and even selecting what you are going to wear the next day.
Choose walking
You’ve probably heard it before but this easy tip is worth repeating. Try to walk when and where you can. Use the stairs rather than the elevator or escalator. Try to do errands by foot when possible, rather than taking the car. Park further away to squeeze in a few extra minutes of movement. Try “walking meetings” that allow you to meet with someone and move at the same time. The goal is to change your habits slightly so that you can add a bit more activity throughout the day.
Workout at home
If traveling to your workouts is eating up too much time, consider working out from home. There are many online exercise videos to pick from and many exercises can be done using only your body weight so that you don’t necessarily need to invest in equipment. You could also consider enjoying a power walk at lunch time if you don’t have time to travel to a gym after work.
Look for time-savers
Are there other areas of your day that would be altered to provide more free time? For example, you could plan meals in advance. Prepping lunches and/or dinners for the week ahead can save you time and allow you to squeeze in a workout during the week. If possible, you could ask those you live with to help out a bit more around the house or try ordering groceries online and having them delivered. Sometimes, looking at your calendar and planning the week ahead allows you to see opportunities for “free-time” that you can use for self-care activities, like exercise.