5 ways to move more at home

When you think about exercise, your first thought may be of a commercial gym that is full of heavy equipment and cardio machines. Although this is one option for working out, it’s not the only one. There are plenty of ways that you can exercise without entering a gym. In fact, you can gain the benefits of working out from the comfort of your own home.
Below, we’ve covered five great ways to move more while you’re at home.
High-intensity interval training
High-intensity interval training is most commonly known as HIIT. The beauty of this training style is that you can do it anywhere, including in your own home. You can do it in the living room, bedroom, or even in the garden on a sunny day. It’s also a great way to help strengthen your heart and burn fat.
If you’ve only got 15 minutes to work out, HIIT is the perfect way to break a sweat and get your heart rate up. You can create your own HIIT routine by combining multiple exercises into a circuit or you can follow along with an online workout video.
Indoor yoga
Yoga is a low-intensity form of exercise that is great for building muscle strength, endurance, and tone. Better yet, you can easily do a yoga routine anywhere in your home. All you need for yoga is a mat! You might also want to grab your headphones and put some relaxing music on while you’re doing your routine.
Yardwork is a great way to get your body moving while you’re at home. If you’ve been meaning to pull up the weeds or need to shovel some snow, this is an opportunity to increase your physical movement and perhaps even gain some strength training.
As with yard work, cleaning is another home-based activity that doesn’t feel like exercise but is actually a great form of physical activity. Cleaning is an essential chore that we all have to do but instead of seeing it as a boring necessity, you can transform it into a fun way to get your body moving.
Put on your favourite tunes or podcast and gather your cleaning supplies. After just a few hours, you’ll have a spotless home and you’ll have gained some important exercise./p>
Play with your kids outside
If you have a garden or access to a park , you can play games or sports with your children. Dress appropriately for the weather, bring some snacks and create some wonderful memories while you role-model for your kids that exercise can be fun .