Are Carbs Important For Building Muscles?

You probably already know that protein is extremely important when you’re trying to gain muscle mass. You need protein in your diet to provide your body with adequate amounts of amino acids to stimulate the growth of new fibers. But did you know that carbs are just as important?
Without sufficient carbohydrates, you might see a dip in your energy and performance, which can affect your ability to build muscle. Carbohydrates provide your muscles and tissues with glucose. Sugar molecules can be broken down to produce something called ATP, which is the form of energy that our cells need to respire.
During a workout, all or most of our glucose energy stores (glycogen) are metabolized (broken down). As a result, we need to consume enough carbohydrates to replace these lost energy stores in between workouts. Otherwise, we are at risk of feeling low in energy when we next head to the gym.
Make sure to fuel yourself with simple sugars before your workout to provide you with a boost of energy to lift heavyweights. Switch over to complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, wholemeal pasta, oats, quinoa, and buckwheat for your lunches and dinners to help replenish those lost glycogen stores.