Core Exercises for Runners

Whether you’re new to running or you are an intermediate to advanced runner, improving your core strength is vital. Having a strong core will help you to build up your strength and reduce your risk of future injuries.
Building and strengthening your core muscles isn’t only important for runners. It’s essential for everybody to stay physically healthy. However, it becomes even more essential for those of you who run regularly because of the role of the core during exercise.
Your core keeps you upright and helps to stabilize your torso as you run. Without a strong core, your running technique may be poor and you’re at an increased risk of injury. Having a weak core can cause you to sway from side to side as you run or lean too far forwards, which puts your muscles and joints in suboptimal positions.
So, how can you strengthen your core? Let’s run through some of the best exercises that you can do as part of your training.
Start on your hands and knees in a plank position. Place hands directly below and slightly wider than your shoulders. Lift your knees and form a straight line with your body from head to toe. Look at a spot on the floor in front of you to keep your next in a neutral position. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable for you without compromising your form. For a modified version, follow the same steps but hold your position using your forearms. Check that your elbows are aligned below your shoulders and that your arms are parallel with your body.
Dead Bug
The dead bug exercise may have a funny name but it is a very effective exercise to strengthen your core. It involves lying on your back, raising your bent legs as though you were sitting in a chair and extending your arms up towards the ceiling. Slowly, stretch out one leg and the opposite arm away from your body so that they are parallel to the ground. Bring them back to the starting position and extend your other leg and arm.
For a modified version, extend only one leg. You can also extend just one arm while keeping your bent legs in the air.
Hanging Leg Raises
The hanging leg raise is one of those exercises that looks much easier than it is. It involves hanging between two platforms, using your forearms to hold you up. You must then lift your legs straight out in front of you, contracting your core as you do so.
If a full hanging leg raise is too difficult for you at this moment in time, there are modifications that you can make to make this exercise less challenging. Instead of lifting your legs straight out in front of you, try bending your knees and bringing them up to your chest. This places much less stress on your core and brings in additional muscles to help you lift your legs.