Early Bird or Night Owl: which are you and do you need to change?

You may have noticed that some people thrive early in the morning while other people feel their most creative and productive late at night These are the early birds and night owls. You may already know which category you fall into but have you ever wondered what the benefits are to each, as well as the downsides?
Although neither one is inherently better than the other, some studies have suggested that early birds may be happier and more productive. Secondly, those who prefer to work and socialize late at night may find it harder to find work or a social environment that can accommodate them. That said, being able to work around your natural circadian rhythm is important when you want to succeed in both professional and personal settings.
What is also essential is that regardless of your early bird or night owl status. Be sure to arrange your schedule in such a way that you can still get great sleep each night. If you find that your current schedule is disrupting your natural sleeping pattern, you may need to consider rearranging your tasks to meet your body’s needs.