Easy tips for gratitude journaling

Easy tips for gratitude journaling

Starting a gratitude journal is a simple and effective way to help cultivate a more positive and appreciative outlook on life. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to begin your gratitude journal.

  • Choose the journal, notebook or device that’s right for you. Do you prefer paper or digital?
  • Concerned that you won’t know where to start? Consider using a journal with prompts that indicate what to write in each section.
  • Set reminders on your phone to prompt you to write in your gratitude journal. Eventually, it will become a habit, and you won’t need an alarm to remind you each day.
  • Write in a quiet space.
  • List the things you’re grateful for. These things can be big or small. Don’t forget to write why you’re grateful for these things
  • Always use positive language that makes you feel good. Don’t be afraid to open up, too.
  • Try to be as consistent as possible with your gratitude journal writing.