Exercises to improve grip strength

Grip strength has been labeled as a biomarker, meaning that a strong grip has been correlated with a longer lifespan. This is important to take note of, especially as we get older.
When you have a strong grip, it can indicate that you have good upper body strength and function, better cognitive function, and a lower risk of sleep troubles. It also indicates that you may have great bone mineral density and a lower risk of fractures.
So, how can you improve your grip strength? Just like any other muscles in the body, you can train the muscles in your hands and forearms to get stronger. Some of the best movements include deadlifts, rows, dead hangs, Farmer’s walks, pull-ups, rack pulls, wrist curls, Zottman curls, and kettlebell presses. If you do not have access to exercise equipment you can also improve your grip strength by picking up heavy objects.