Fact or fiction? Will lifting weights make me bulky?

Fact or fiction? Will lifting weights make me bulky?

Some people shy away from lifting weights because they think that they will look too bulky. In this article, we’re going to tackle this concept and discuss why strength training is important for all adults.

Weight lifting is a form of resistance training or strength training and is a well-loved form of exercise that is known for its plethora of health benefits. Some of the major benefits of weight training include:

  • Stronger and larger muscles
  • Increased basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  • Easier weight management
  • Improved physique and muscle tone
  • Better movement patterns
  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Lower risk of a range of chronic diseases

A strong body is something to be celebrated. Unfortunately, some messaging still exists that can cause some to shy away from this important form of exercise. Let’s take a closer look at weight training.

Lifting weights puts stress on our muscles and it is during the rest phase after our workout that our muscles repair themselves and gains are made in strength and mass. It can take weeks or even months to start to change our body composition and few people will “bulk up” unless that is their goal and they follow specific training protocols. While females will gain muscles from weight lifting, due to lower levels of testosterone, it is difficult to grow the same bulk as males. Furthermore, we tend to lose muscle mass as we age while increasing our body fat percentage. Weight lifting can help slow this process..The final takeaway: strength training is an important part of a well-rounded exercise program and it is recommended that adults perform muscle-building exercises at least twice per week. Whether you choose to lift weights or perform body-weight training, you will gain the health benefits of stronger muscles.