Gluten-free grains

Gluten is a protein found naturally in certain grains and is safe to eat for most people.
Only individuals with an intolerance or allergy to gluten may need to avoid it. A gluten intolerance or sensitivity can be diagnosed via a coeliac serology blood test, which your local healthcare practice can perform for you.
If you have received a diagnosis of gluten intolerance, gluten insensitivity, or celiac disease, you will probably need to reduce your gluten consumption or eliminate it from your diet completely. Otherwise, you may experience mild to severe digestive issues, such as bloating, excess gas, constipation, diarrhea and reflux.
Don’t worry! Going gluten-free doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy delicious carbohydrate-rich foods. There are lots of different grains that don’t contain gluten and are completely safe for individuals with celiac disease to eat.
Below, we have listed some delicious gluten-free grains to include in your diet if you’re unable to eat gluten. Note that all grains can be contaminated with gluten if they are manufactured in the same factory as gluten-containing foods. You must always check food labels before you eat anything that could potentially be contaminated with gluten.
Gluten-free grains
The following grains don’t contain gluten and are generally safe to consume if you have an intolerance or sensitivity to this protein:
Oats (as long as they are labeled as gluten-free)
Gluten-free bread
Gluten-containing grains
Here are the grains to avoid if you’re unable to tolerate gluten:
Wholemeal, white, or rye bread
Baguettes, paninis, ciabattas, and rolls