Healthy Eating Habits While On Vacation

Vacation is a time for relaxation, a time to put your work aside and allow your mind and body to wind down. However, for many of us, our healthy eating habits go on holiday, too.
While it is important to enjoy your vacation, by enjoying nutritious and well-balanced meals when possible, you will have the energy to enjoy your time away and come home without post-holiday regrets!
Here are some top tips to help you stick to a healthy eating plan while away on vacation.
Snack Smartly
Depending on how and where you holiday, you could either be faced with tempting foods at every turn, or going a long time between meals. In either case, it’s important to snack smartly.
When tempted with abundant food options, remember why snacks are important: to provide your body with nutrients and energy. Opt for fresh fruit and veggies, and pair with protein, if possible, to help you feel full for longer. If you are traveling and know you may miss a meal, or it will be delayed, it is important to have healthy, transportable snacks with you. They will not only keep you from becoming “hangry”, they will also help prevent you from overeating later on.
Consider Your Beverages
The fun and carefree lifestyle of holidays often also includes not just a change in eating habits, but drinking, too. The calories in alcoholic drinks and fancy beverages can quickly add up and it is important to have a moderation strategy. Intersperse each beverage with a non-alcoholic, low sugar option, for example, sparkling water.
Say Yes, Sometimes
Let’s not forget that this is a holiday, and it is still important to treat yourself while you're away on vacation. It's the time of the year when you can relax and let your hair down! Whether it's ice cream, a cheese board, or a chocolate bar, splurge on the occasional treat.
Allowing yourself an indulgent treat will prevent you from feeling deprived and will help keep food cravings at bay, making it easier for you to stick to your healthy eating habits for the rest of your meals and snacks.