How Often Do I Need to Reapply Sunscreen?

How Often Do I Need to Reapply Sunscreen?

Sunscreen contains protective components that help reflect the harmful UVB rays from the sun away from your skin.

Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UVB rays is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer, and wearing sunscreen to prevent UVB from damaging your skin can lower your risk of developing skin cancer.

Most of us know to apply sunscreen before we head outside on a hot summer’s day but we don’t think as much about reapplying our sunscreen during the day.

Sunscreen is only effective for a certain length of time. The active ingredients in sunscreen usually get deactivated after around two hours, and the cream itself can get rubbed off as you move around or go for a swim.

Reapply your sunscreen once every two hours to maintain its protective benefits. Make sure to also reapply your children’s sunscreen too.