How to beat mid-morning fatigue

How to beat mid-morning fatigue

Have you ever wanted to take a nap even though it isn’t even lunchtime yet? That’s mid-morning fatigue. It can occur a few hours after breakfast, causing a mid-morning dip in energy and a lack of concentration. To beat mid-morning fatigue and maintain your energy levels throughout the day, here are some helpful strategies:

  • Start your day with a nutritious and balanced breakfast that contains a complex carbohydrate and a high-quality source of protein
  • Stay hydrated as dehydration can be a cause for a mid-morning slump
  • Plan for a healthy mid-morning snack to bridge the gap between breakfast and lunch
  • Avoid excessive caffeine intake
  • Do a low-intensity workout, take a walk around the block, or perform some light stretches
  • Expose yourself to natural light
  • Make sure you get enough sleep each night, aiming for seven to nine hours of undisturbed sleep whenever possible
  • Mental and physical health conditions (for example, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, etc.) can also contribute to the mid-morning slump. If symptoms persist, consider a check-up with your healthcare provider