​​​​How to make it easier to commit to exercising

​​​​How to make it easier to commit to exercising

Committing to an exercise program Committing to an exercise program isn't always easy, especially when you lead a busy life and have a full schedule. You often need to be proactive and set aside time to work out each day (or every alternate day or every few days, depending on your program stipulations), and this is easier said than done. If you're not used to regular exercise, you might forget to work out or lose motivation after a while, and this can set you back from reaching your health and fitness goals.

So, what can you do to try and stay more committed to regular exercise? Here are four top tips:

  • Choose a type of exercise that you enjoy to increase your chances of sticking to your program
  • Create a training program that you will be able to commit to (avoid adding an unrealistic number of workouts to the program)
  • Ask a friend if they'd like to join you. This will increase your motivation to exercise and hold you more accountable of sticking to your regime)
  • Hire a health and fitness coach or personal trainer to help you create an effective program and hold you accountable