How to run safely in cold weather

Running is an effective way to improve your physical fitness and can even help manage stress. However, if you’re planning on running in a cold, winter climate, you’ll need to take some precautionary steps to stay safe.
Unlike running in summer, running outside in winter carries an increased risk of frostbite and hypothermia. It can also be slippery on the roads and sidewalks so you need to run with extra caution.
Below are three tips to help you run safely during a cold winter. No matter how advanced you are in running, it’s important to follow these steps to stay injury-free and healthy over the frosty winter months.
Wrap up warm
It might sound obvious but don’t forget to wear a few extra layers when you’re running outside in cold weather. When you’re running your body will naturally heat up; however, this doesn’t mean that you can get away with wearing minimal workout gear.
To prevent your hands and fingers from getting cold and to maintain a healthy internal body temperature, you should wrap up warm. Gloves, a hat, and thermal socks will be important. Also consider a thermal long-sleeved shirt and insulated running pants, too.
. It’s better to wear more layers than not enough when you’re running outside in winter. Remember, you can always peel off a layer, if necessary.
Run during the day time
Winter means fewer daylight hours and therefore you might need to adjust your usual running schedule to account for this. Darkness limits your visibility, making it harder to see uneven ground, icy patches or obstacles. It also makes it harder for others to see you, particularly cars. Ensure that your running gear includes some form of reflective material. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
Avoid running on slippery surfaces
On extra cold days, the roads and sidewalks can be covered in ice, which is not always obvious. Black ice is very difficult to see but is extremely slippery and could easily cause you to fall and injure yourself when running. Some runners opt for cleats that can be pulled over your running shoes.
Outdoor running in winter can help break up your day, provide needed outdoor time and leave you feeling invigorated. However, there may be days when the weather conditions are such that it is best to switch to an indoor workout. That’s ok - there will always be another day for a great outdoor run.