How to Try Something New

Trying something brand new can be intimidating, no matter who you are or what the activity is.
Even with all of the confidence and excitement in the world, it’s still scary taking a deep dive into the unknown. But trying new things is a major part of life. It’s how you learn and grow in all aspects of your development.
Whether you’re trying a new sport, joining a new class or taking on a new responsibility at work, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is important.
Feeling anxious about trying something new is totally normal. Most people will feel this way because the unknown is often scary.
You might start to notice that you begin to sweat more, your heart starts beating faster, and you feel butterflies in your stomach. These are all part of your physiological response to stress, which is caused by the release of cortisol into your body when your brain thinks you are in a potentially dangerous situation.
So, when you’re feeling anxious about trying a new activity or regime, consider what you can do to ease your nerves. To help you get started, here are some top tips.
Be Well Prepared
Doing some background research before trying out a new activity will ease your anxiety.
You will know what to expect when you arrive at the gym or class, and this makes things much easier for you. Nothing boosts your confidence like preparation!
Embrace the Nerves
Sometimes, no matter how much you prepare, you will still feel nervous. After all, anxiety is a natural emotion to feel before something new.
Learning to embrace the nerves can be one of the best things to do. Remember that it’s your nervous system’s natural response to an unfamiliar situation.
Just go for it, and you’ll find that you enjoy your new activity much more!
Find Ways to Calm Your Mind
When you have a regular meditation practice, you will naturally feel calmer in your day-to-day life. Still, it can be particularly helpful to spend time meditating or relaxing just before you are trying a brand-new activity.
Take 5 to 10 minutes before you set off to journal, meditate, read, or stretch your body. Find something that you enjoy and find relaxing. These calming activities will activate your parasympathetic nervous system to reduce anxiety and fear.