Important stress management tips

Important stress management tips

Small amounts of stress are beneficial for the body and can stimulate positive adaptations. However, chronic stress can have negative effects on physical and mental health, including poor immunity, chronic fatigue, digestive problems and sleep troubles. This makes finding effective ways to manage stress important for your wellbeing.

Here are some stress management tips to help you cope with mental stress and minimize its potential negative impacts.

Identify your stressors

To reduce your stress,  it’s important to understand what actually causes you to feel stressed so you can avoid these triggers. Even if you can’t eliminate them altogether, you can work to reduce your exposure to them.

Build a support network

Having the support of loved ones around you can make you feel calmer and less stressed. Build a support network of friends, relatives, and locals in your community so you feel a sense of belonging and fulfillment.

Create a great sleep routine

Sleep hygiene is essential for stress management. When you get a solid seven to nine hours of sleep a night, it gives your body and brain time to rest and recover. As a result, you’ll feel less physically tired and mentally drained, which reduces your physical and psychological stress.

To improve your sleep hygiene, make sure your bedroom is the optimal condition (cool, dark, and quiet), avoid strenuous exercise within the last three hours before you go to bed, and avoid blue light-emitting devices (like your phone, laptop, or tablet) in the hour before you want to sleep.