Is a Running Group Right For You?

Is a Running Group Right For You?

Running boosts your heart and lung function and enhances muscle endurance in your whole body. It’s also effective in boosting your mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety or depression. In other words, running is great for your physical and mental health!

If you’ve wanted to take up running for a while, but you’re a little apprehensive, you might have thought about whether a running group might be right for you. There are pros and cons to running alone or in a group. If you’re looking at joining a running group soon, here are some advantages and disadvantages to be aware of.

Pros of Joining a Running Group


Running groups don’t just involve the exercise component. There is also some time before and after your runs to chat with your fellow group members. This provides a great opportunity to socialize with other like-minded people and improves your quality of life.

When you’re meeting up every week to run with a group of people, you will get to know them very quickly. You might even find some new life-long friends.

Motivation and Accountability

Having a regular meeting time each week to run with your group may help to keep you motivated. It makes exercise more fun and enjoyable, so you don’t lose interest. Your fellow runners can give you some words of encouragement if you’re struggling, so you can push yourself even further.

Meeting in a group also helps to hold you accountable, so you’re more likely to get the workout done even when you’re not feeling very motivated.

Cons of Joining a Running Group


Unfortunately, it’s human nature to compare yourself to others. If you join a running group where most of the members have a much higher fitness level than you, it might cause you to feel inadequate. It can have the opposite effect on your desired outcome and decrease your confidence.

Running is very individualistic. What works for one person might not work for another. Sometimes, running by yourself is more beneficial to discover what is best for your body.  Many groups are formed based on distance and running times.  Look for ones that meet your current needs and goals.


One of the benefits of running is that it can be done almost anywhere, at any time.  On the other hand, running groups are structured with set dates and distances.  If you find being in a running group to be causing you to feel anxious; perhaps running with a buddy with a flexible schedule or going solo is the best option for you.