Kickstart your home yoga practice

Kickstart your home yoga practice

Yoga offers a wide range of physical and mental benefits that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. Below, we’ve covered some simple tips for starting yoga at home.

Create a space for yoga

You’ll need an open space in your home to practice yoga effectively, ideally the size of a yoga mat. This will help ensure your comfort and safety as you move through the yoga positions..

Try removing clutter from the room so you can feel calm and relaxed when practicing various routines. Make sure the space is quiet and peaceful to promote ultimate relaxation and mental health benefits.

Yoga-appropriate activewear

You do not need to invest in a new yoga outfit; however, what you wear does matter for performing various asanas (yoga poses). You will need clothing that enables you to move freely and feel comfortable. It shouldn’t be restrictive or tight.

Start with beginner-friendly poses

Begin your practice with simple and beginner-friendly yoga poses. You can follow a beginner-friendly yoga routine online or learn more by searching “yoga” in the platform’s content library. Beginner-friendly poses include Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Child's Pose (Balasana), and Corpse Pose (Savasana).