Leafy Greens 101 - What to Add to Your Next Meal

Broccoli, kale, Swiss chard, and Brussel sprouts are all examples of leafy greens. They are delicious vegetables that are known for being incredibly beneficial for your health.
Incorporating more leafy greens into your meals will maximize your micronutrient intake. They are packed full of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamins C, E, and K, and minerals potassium, magnesium, and calcium. They also contain a plant antioxidant called lutein, which can reduce oxidative stress in your cells, possibly reducing your risk of eye disease, diabetes, and heart disease.
Each of these micronutrients plays an essential role in your body. Here is an easy breakdown of each of the above vitamin and minerals and their roles in the body:
- Vitamin C - Important for immune function, reducing oxidative stress, collagen synthesis, and healthy skin, hair, and nails
- Vitamin E - Another vitamin that is important in reducing oxidative stress, and keeping your skin and nails healthy
- Vitamin K - This vitamin is vital for blood clotting and metabolism
- Potassium - A mineral that is vital for fluid balance, blood pressure regulation, and nerve impulses
- Magnesium - A mineral that plays a role in hundreds of different reactions within the body and is vital for metabolism
- Calcium - And essential mineral for bone health and metabolism and required for muscle contraction
Here are some of the most popular leafy greens and how you can add them to your meals and snacks:
- Broccoli - add a portion to your stir fry
- Brussel sprouts - roast them in the oven with some butter and garlic, and serve them as a side dish
- Lettuce - make a large salad with a variety of veggies and some beans or chicken
- Kale - add a bunch of kale to your next smoothie
- Herbs - stir some green herbs into your next home-made Spaghetti Bolognese or Lasagne
To get multiple leafy greens into your diet at once, make a green smoothie. Combine multiple green vegetables in a blender alongside some milk and any other fruits and vegetables that you want to add. You could stir in some honey or protein powder to add extra flavor and nutrition.
Alternatively, try making a vegetable stir fry using mainly green leafy vegetables. Use soy sauce or peanut satay sauce to add lots of flavors and enjoy your delicious, nutrient-dense meal.