One tip to help you enjoy a better start to the day

Many of us are guilty of reaching for the snooze button when our alarm goes off in the morning. Perhaps you had a poor night’s sleep, or your bed simply feels warm and cozy. However, as tempting as hitting snooze might be, you are better off not doing it..
While the extra 10 minutes might seem great at first, snoozing your alarm can actually have a detrimental impact on the rest of your day. The extra minutes in bed won’t in fact make you feel any less tired. Rather, snoozing your alarm can make you feel more tired and makes it much harder for you to motivate yourself for the day ahead. The broken sleep we get after our alarm goes off is not restful, plus it throws off our sleep-walk schedule that is important for overall sleep hygiene.
If you really want to enjoy a better start to the day, avoid snoozing your alarm. Instead, make sure you get out of bed within the first few minutes of your initial alarm going off. This will give you more time to get ready in the morning and will make you feel much less groggy!