Taking a holistic approach to your health and wellness

How can you take a holistic approach to your health—one that tends to your mental, physical, and spiritual wellness—in your daily life?
Prioritize nutrition
Remember to eat a healthy and balanced diet that incorporates whole foods like fruits and vegetables. Try to cut down on processed and pre-packaged items high in fat and sodium. How you eat matters too. Are you rushing or skipping meals, or constantly eating on-the-go? Try eating mindfully instead.
Realize the power of physical activity
The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends 150 minutes a week of physical activity a week. This can be broken down to fit your schedule and exercise preferences. Physical activity can boost endorphins, meaning you’re not only working out your body or managing your weight, but relieving stress and taking care of your mental health.
Incorporate holistic practices
Are you managing your stress in positive ways like taking time out for self-care? Here are some holistic practices you might want to incorporate into your self-care routine. You can do some of these things independently, or with a holistic health practitioner like a chiropractor or massage therapist:
- Yoga or stretching
- Meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature
- Aromatherapy
- Journaling
- Massage
- Deep breathing
- Reading
Finally, reflect on whether you are living according to your core beliefs and values. For example, if you believe in spreading positivity, maybe you want to commit to doing one random act of kindness a day, or dedicating time to volunteer work.