The recipe challenge. How to break the boring dinner rut.

If you’re looking to break the boring dinner rut, we have a tip for you. Commit to trying just one new recipe each week for the next four weeks. That’s a total of four brand-new meals that just might transform your dinners into new and exciting adventures.
Here is your strategy to make your recipe challenge a success.
Browse through cookbooks or go online and find recipes that look delicious and nutritious. Feeling excited to try a recipe is the first step. Next, evaluate the ingredients list and directions. How complicated is the recipe to make? Will you need to buy ingredients that you might only use once? Finally, aim to cook your recipes on a day that you aren’t working, or on an evening when you have a little extra time. It can take longer to prepare a new recipe for the first time. Not feeling rushed will allow you to enjoy the cooking process more.
After trying all four recipes, you might find that one of them is particularly delicious. Even better, you might have enjoyed all of them. If this is the case, try making them again. This way, you have an extra dish to add variety to your meals.
You can repeat this whole process by choosing another four recipes and trying one a week next month. You never know. You might find a few meals that become your new favorites!