Tips for juggling work, exercise and a social life

Tips for juggling work, exercise and a social life

Juggling work, exercise and a social life can be a challenge but with a little planning it can be possible to fit everything you want and need into a tight schedule.

Below, we’ve covered three tips for helping to juggle work, exercise and social commitments.

Set goals and check in regularly

Goal-setting is a crucial aspect of planning and organization. Consider setting goals in each key area of your life, making sure these goals are realistic, measurable, and attainable within a reasonable timeframe. This is known as the SMART goals framework, and it is a useful strategy for achieving what you set out to do.

Once you have set your goals, make sure to regularly evaluate your progress by checking in with yourself and self-reflecting every so often. You might want to self-reflect once every couple of weeks, once a month, or once every six months. It is completely up to you and depends on the overall timescale for your goals.

Use the time blocking method

Time blocking refers to a technique where you allocate blocks of time in your schedule to specific tasks. Time blocking reduces the chance of you trying to multitask and complete multiple things at once, which can cause you to become stressed and make critical errors.

Blocking helps you to maintain focus during each activity and live in the present moment instead of worrying about the other tasks on your to-do list.

Integrate exercise into your daily routine

If you don’t have time to dedicate a full hour to working out in a gym, swap an intense workout for daily physical activity. For example, you could take a walk on your lunch break at work, get up and walk around the office while you are on a phone call with a client, or split a longer workout into multiple shorter workouts to fit around your busy schedule. Similarly, you could combine exercise with socializing by inviting friends to go for a walk, playing group sports, etc..