Tips for squeezing exercise into a busy schedule

Tips for squeezing exercise into a busy schedule

Working out isn’t always at the top of your priority list, especially when you’ve work commitments, family-related responsibilities, and social events to attend. However, a busy schedule doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the benefits of regular exercise. Here are some top tips for squeezing exercise into a jam-packed schedule:

  • Split longer workouts into shorter sessions
  • Choose short high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over longer low-intensity steady state (LISS) if you are familiar with and comfortable performing HIIT workouts
  • Incorporate exercise into your daily routine by walking to work, moving around the office when you’re on the phone, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Work out on your lunch break
  • Exercise at home instead of going to the gym to eliminate commuting times
  • Choose compound (multi-joint) exercises over isolation (single-joint) movements to target multiple muscles at once