Tips to calm yourself before a big presentation or meeting

Have you had to present in front of a group before? How did you feel? If you are like most people you probably experienced some nervousness. The most common symptoms are: excessive sweating, redness in the cheeks, and increased heart rate and breathing rate. Luckily, there are things that you can do to reduce your fear and anxiety before heading into a big presentation or meeting.
Here are three tips to help you keep calm and present with success.
Practice! You will feel less anxious if you know you are well prepared. Try rehearsing in front of a mirror, someone you trust, or even try filming yourself. It might feel awkward but it will definitely help prepare you for the actual event.
Another great thing that you can do is guided imagery, which involves imagining a peaceful or relaxing place. An example could be visualizing yourself laying on the beach, or cozy in bed after a long day. An important part of this technique is imagining the scenery with all your senses: what you see, hear, feel and, if it applies, what you taste and smell. Guided imagery is an extremely powerful tool, and it will boost your confidence by putting your mind in a positive state.
Last but not least, take three to five deep breaths just before your presentation. This will slow down your heart and breathing rate by activating your parasympathetic nervous system and will help calm your nerves.