Try this tip for improved strength training

If you’ve recently started a strength training program, you might be wondering how to maximize your progress. There is no shortage of tips and tricks for novice gym goers, and this can make it difficult to know which ones to follow.
When taking note of important strength training tips, here’s one to include. When you’re lifting weights, pay particular attention to the eccentric phase of the movement.
The eccentric phase of an exercise is generally the second part of the movement. For example, the second part of a bicep curl, where you’re straightening your arm and returning the weight back down toward the ground, is the eccentric portion of the exercise. In a squat or deadlift, the eccentric phase of the reps will be when you’re returning to a standing position.
The eccentric part of a strength training exercise has been associated with a larger amount of muscle stimulation. So, by focusing on this phase of each rep that you perform, you can maximize your muscle growth and strength gains.